Sunday, December 7, 2008

I'm in love

So there has been someone special in my life for a few months now.

I'm in love with my bread machine. (Maybe addicted is a more accurate word - do you think there is a 12 step program somewhere?)

I am shocked at how simple it is to use and clean. It has saved lots of money and created a healthy eating style too. It is easier to avoid snack cakes filled with preservatives and more when you know you can have a piece warm homemade bread with butter and jam.

Homemade croutons are so easy and yummy with real bread too. Using the dough cycle for pastry dough, pizza dough and even veggie burgers is just wonderful.

I found a my machine at Wal-Mart for about $50. It also has a jam cycle which I am looking forward to using in the near future - I'll have to report back on that one.

If you really love bread, investing in a bread machine might be for you. It doesn't put of a lot of heat, especially compared to our oven so it is wonderful to use in the summer. And in the winter - well when isn't homemade bread good?

For Thanksgiving we used the bread to make homemade dressing. It was wonderful!

If you get a machine, don't be discouraged if some recipes don't turn out right. I've had a couple duds, but also many wonderful loaves.

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